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I did a birthday party at a playground outdoors yesterday. As you can see, the kids really clustered around me, which added a lot of energy to the day. The little girl in the striped shirt helped me throughout the whole party as my assistant. It was very sweet of her, and I gave her an extra caricature for her help.
I did another birthday party yesterday, which was a lot of fun. It was held outdoors, and it was a beautiful day. The only problem I had was that I left my china marker out in the sun at one point, and the crayon part started to melt. I had them bring me a little bucket of ice to cool it down, and it fixed the problem! You have to be able to think on your feet, so to speak, at these events.
Here are photos from a birthday party I did yesterday. This one had about 50 kids, a clown, a DJ, and me! It was a great time.
This past Saturday I drew caricatures at Star Wars Day at Barnes and Noble. It was as fun as it sounds. Here are a few happy customers. I drew more Princess Leia’s than anyone else, both with and without the donut hair style. Several people wanted Jabba the Hutt! I look forward to more events at Barnes and Noble.
Yesterday I drew caricatures for Barnes and Noble’s DC Comics day. It was set up in the children’s section of the Union Square store in NYC. I drew a lot of the kids as superheroes, but I had the usual ballerinas, and, in the case of these brothers, boxing. It was so cute when the little boy wanted to be just like his older brother. In the top picture I had the mom stand behind me, to keep the child facing forward. It’s an old trick of mine. Another trick is to get on the floor, on the child’s level. Often that’s the only way to get a good drawing, especially for the younger ones.
Next week I’m there for Star Wars day, so I’m looking forward to that one. Stay tuned for pictures from that one.
I am thinking of renaming my website, and business name. is entirely too long, and even I misspell caricature half the time. I should have given it more thought at the beginning, but alas, I did not. Here is what would be the new logo, next to the old one. Visually it doesn’t change that much, but I think it will be easier for everyone all around.
This is one of several pages of body ideas I created for myself. I bring them with me to events so I can use them as reference if I need to, or to help customers come up with ideas.
I just got back from a birthday party at Chelsea Piers in Manhattan. I just noticed I’m wearing the same shirt I was wearing in the Library photo. Fashion faux pas!
I made this video of one of my caricatures, from start to finish. I sped it up quite a bit, so it is more fun to watch.
Here are a couple of shots from a party I recently did at a birthday party in the Bronx. Some people came back to get a second caricature. For the couple pictured (Iris and Mike), I believe I drew each of them separately also. It’s all good. I’ll do whatever makes the guests happy.
Here I am at a New York Public Library event, drawing caricatures of one little girl as her sister looks on. At this event I colored each drawing using watercolor. I have a whole system I use to reduce the chance of spilling paint. So far it works!
My wife and I went to a Frank Sinatra tribute concert yesterday at Carnegie Hall, and it inspired me to draw a caricature of Ol’ Blue Eyes. They had four singers, and the entire New York Pops Orchestra behind them.Frank was before my time (I’m not THAT old), but the music was great.